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Is the Visian ICL Better Than LASIK?

In recent years, visual corrective procedures have become easier and more effective with the development of LASIK. But laser corrective surgery isn’t the only option nowadays. Now we have alternatives like Visian ICL. But is Visian ICL superior to LASIK? It depends on the patient.


Almost everyone who’s heard of LASIK knows that there’s a laser involved, but the details are less widely known. It’s a less invasive form of earlier laser corrective surgery which used the laser to shape the eye directly on the cornea after only removing the outer layer of the eye. With LASIK, a flap is made in the cornea and the laser is used under that flap to shape the eye before the flap is replaced and used as a kind of natural bandage. LASIK has become a much safer and more reliable surgery thanks to modern tools and equipment, and doesn’t require a lot of time spent in recovery.

Visian ICL

Visian ICL is a very simple procedure that involves making a small incision in the eye and inserting an Implantable Contact Lens– the ICL– through the incision. Afterwards, the eye will heal almost completely in just a couple days due to the size of the incision, and the contact will allow the patient to see clearly in just a few hours.


Visian ICL is a slightly less invasive procedure than LASIK, but it has its limitations just as LASIK does. Both procedures are minimally invasive and the main difference in recovery time has to do with how long the flap made with LASIK takes to heal. If choosing between the two, one big consideration is what your prescription is. Visian ICL is best for severe nearsightedness, as LASIK may require too much corneal tissue to be removed in order to correct the strength of your prescription. On the other hand, the contact lens used for Visian ICL can only correct an astigmatism to a limited degree, whereas LASIK can more easily correct severe astigmatisms. Depending on what your prescription is, LASIK may be a better idea for you than Visian ICL and vice versa.

Visian ICL as an Alternative to LASIK

If you want to get LASIK, you need to be qualified. This usually just means you have to be a certain age and in good health. But you also need to have a thick enough cornea. Since a flap is made in your cornea for LASIK, your cornea needs to be thick enough to allow a flap to be made and the surgery to be performed and still leave a good amount of corneal tissue left. Otherwise the surgery can be dangerous. If you don’t meet this qualification, you still may be qualified for Visian ICL, hence why Visian ICL is often hailed as an alternative to LASIK.

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