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Commonly Asked Questions

Why do I have to fill out paperwork if I have been in the office before?

In order to keep updated information, our office has a requirement to get personal information updated every year, including HIPPA consents and signatures.


Spoiler title

A refraction is a test done to determine the prescription needed for glasses or contacts to correct your vision.

Why am I receiving a bill for a refraction?

A refraction is not covered by most insurances and becomes the patient’s responsibility. If you do not desire a new glasses prescription, please notify the physician during your visit.

Why does my medical insurance not cover it?

A refraction is considered a vision service. Medical insurances do not cover vision services. Therefore, the patient is responsible for the $20 charge IN ADDITION to any copay that may already be owed.


Will I be dilated?

Yes, a thorough eye exam requires dilation to detect any signs of diseases, disorders or problems.

How long will my dilation last?

Dilation varies from person to person, but on average, adults may be dilated 4-5 hours whereas children may be dilated on average 10-12 hours.


Do you offer discounts on payments in full?

Every insurance plan is different. Some commercial insurances will list their copays on the front of the card. Please bear in mind that Huffman & Huffman, P.S.C. is a specialist office and you will be charged the specialist copay as well as any charges for uncovered services. In the case of your insurance not listing your copay on the card, we will have to send you a bill once the insurance pays their part. Medicare only insurance patients will know what their copay is by the end of the visit. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing what this will be before the exam as we don’t know what the exam will entail. You will be able to make payments to us for any amounts you may not be able to pay in full as long as we have a payment agreement in place and on file.

Do you offer payment assistance or payment plans?

While we do not offer payment assistance programs at this time, we do offer payments plans and will set up a reasonable plan for monthly payments based on your individual circumstance. Please contact our billing department at 606-877-1877 option 3 to speak with a member of our billing/financial team to get this set up.

We also accept CareCredit and can help you apply for this healthcare financing credit card.

I have already met my deductible. Why am I receiving a bill stating my balance is due for deductible?

You may see a provider at a different facility and they collect your deductible up front. If you are seen in our office soon after and we file our claim with your insurance before your other healthcare provider does, the deductible may be applied to your visit with us. You can always call your insurance company at the number on the back of your card and they can provide details on your annual deductible and where it was applied.

Why am I being charged the specialist copay instead of the regular office visit copay?

Drs. James and Mark Huffman are Ophthalmologists, who are specialists. Therefore, the entire office is considered a specialist office.

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London, KY 40741

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Somerset, KY 42503

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Hazard, KY

161 Citizens Lane
Hazard, KY 41701

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Harlan, KY

1848 US-421
Harlan, KY 40831

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Lexington, KY

2704 Old Rosebud Rd.
Suite 230
Lexington, KY 40509

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Middlesboro, KY

1502 Cumberland Ave
Middlesboro, KY 40955

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Prestonsburg, KY

5000 KY Route 321
Suite 0112
Prestonsburg, KY 41653