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ORA System Technology

ORA Cataract Laser System

What is ORA?

ORA is a system used during cataract surgery that takes real-time measurements of the eye. This is to optimize IOL placement.

ORA stands for Optiwave Refractive Analysis. ORA uses light waves to measure the refractive power of the eye once the cataract is removed.

How Does ORA Work with Cataract Surgery?

During cataract surgery, the surgeon removes the eye’s natural lens. By removing the lens, the cataract is also removed.

Once the lens is fully removed, the surgeon can use the ORA system to measure the eye with a microscope. These measurements are displayed in a detailed map. The surgeon can use it to calculate IOL placement and power.

How Does ORA Improve Your Experience During Cataract Surgery?

There are several advantages when using ORA during cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is one of the most common medical procedures in the country.

Every year, millions of patients have the procedure! But the technology surrounding cataract surgery is still ever improving.

ORA is one of the latest advancements that improves post-surgical results. There are a few ways that ORA can enhance your experience with cataract surgery:

Continual Assessment

In cataract surgery, there’s only some ability to adjust IOL power and placement after lens removal. But with ORA, the surgeon can adjust as needed.

This is possible once the refractive power of the eye is measured without the natural lens.

Predicting Surgical Outcomes

Measuring the eye during the surgery ensures optimal IOL placement. This allows the surgeon to predict the outcome of the procedure.

They can then choose the best outcome with an artificial lens based on where it’s placed.

Enhanced Accuracy

ORA also records the results of surgery for patients who have cataract surgery in the system. The system updates to offer even better predictive results.

This is by changing its algorithms based on all data. This means that ORA only gets more accurate the more it’s used.

Why Choose ORA For Your Cataract Surgery?

ORA is a tool for surgeons. You won’t be able to choose ORA except by choosing to have cataract surgery with a center that uses it. The good news is that Huffman & Huffman, P.S.C. is one of those centers!

There are plenty of reasons to choose one of our offices for your cataract treatment needs. Our use of the latest cataract surgery technology is certainly one of them.

Every patient gets a benefit from the ORA system. It’s most beneficial for two groups of people who struggle while recovering from cataract surgery. These include:

Patients with astigmatism

Correcting astigmatism during cataract surgery is a common practice. It can be difficult to get accurate results for even the most skilled surgeon.

IOL placement is critical, making ORA technology especially helpful. ORA also guides the placement of Limbal Relaxing Incisions (LRI), which can further correct astigmatism.

Patients who’ve had LASIK

LASIK patients who were nearsighted are difficult to predict surgical outcomes for. This is due to the prior correction.

ORA increases a surgeon’s predictive ability to achieve better results. ORA will help you achieve the best results during cataract surgery, no matter what.

When it comes to the health and safety of your eyes, it’s important for a practice to have modern technology. At Huffman & Huffman, P.S.C. we offer ORA technology during cataract surgery for our patients!

This is the most advanced technology available for cataract surgery. Rest assured, your eyes will be in the best hands possible with us.

Schedule an appointment with the experts at Huffman & Huffman today!

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